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Pre-incubator for HBCUs

Working with HBCUs

Welcome to our transformative pre-incubator program, specifically designed for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). We are proud to offer this program completely free of charge, committed to fostering a culture of innovation and providing equal opportunities in the realm of STEM education and research. 

Our Services

  • Assess Innovative Projects: We begin by providing expert analysis to gauge the potential of your ideas, ensuring that they have a solid foundation for success.

  • Support R&D Processes: Our team assists in refining your research and development efforts, helping to streamline and enhance your projects.

  • Create Financial-Mathematical Models: We aid in building robust models for financial viability, ensuring your projects are economically sustainable.

  • Aid in Fundraising: Our expertise extends to helping secure the necessary funds for your projects, opening doors to new opportunities and resources.

How It Benefits HBCUs

Our program is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of HBCUs, focusing on fostering a culture of innovation and providing essential tools and resources.

  • Enhanced Innovation: By focusing on STEM fields, we help HBCUs become leaders in innovation, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and developments.

  • Resource Allocation: Our support in R&D and fundraising helps allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that projects have the financial backing and technical support they need.

  • Empowering Minorities in STEM: Understanding the challenges faced by minorities in STEM, our program is dedicated to empowering students and faculty at HBCUs, providing them with opportunities to excel.

What We Offer

Our commitment to diversity in STEM and support for HBCUs is unwavering. To this end, we offer our program free of charge to HBCUs.

  • Comprehensive Support: From project assessment to fundraising, we offer a range of services to support the entire lifecycle of innovation projects.

  • Expertise and Guidance: Our team of experts provides guidance and advice, helping to navigate the complexities of STEM innovation.

  • Network and Opportunities: We provide access to a network of professionals and opportunities, opening doors for collaborations and advancements.

How to Start Working With Us

Embarking on a journey with our program is straightforward and designed to align with your institution's needs.

  1. Contact Us: Send us a letter of intent through our email  to express your interest.

  2. Initial Consultation: Schedule a meeting for an initial consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your institution's goals, challenges, and potential projects that could benefit from our program.

  3. Program Application: Fill out our application form, providing details about your institution and the specific projects you wish to develop.

  4. Project Assessment: Our team will review your application and assess the proposed projects to determine how best we can assist you.

  5. Customized Plan Development: Based on the assessment, we will develop a customized plan tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

  6. Program Onboarding: Once the plan is approved, we will guide you through the onboarding process, setting up the necessary resources and support systems.

  7. Ongoing Collaboration: Our team will work closely with you throughout the program, providing continuous support and guidance to ensure the success of your projects.

We are here for you

We invite you to take the first step towards innovation and empowerment in STEM at your HBCU.

Our team is excited to work with you and bring your innovative ideas to fruition!

Ready to Innovate?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks for submitting!

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